My First Photoshop
This pics also in my Hootie and The Blowme rant below. I think it came out pretty good.

Hootie Falls On Hard Times

Prepare Yourself For My Brilliance, Then Click Here
I am a genius. This website contains the most hard hitting thought provoking ideas you will ever encounter. You are so freakin lucky.
This pics also in my Hootie and The Blowme rant below. I think it came out pretty good.
One of the most painful memories I have of high school is having to listen to Hootie and The Blowfish. How this fratparty band ever got big is beyond me. Not only were they responsible for some of the worst songs ever created they made incredibly crappy videos too.
So tons of nerds are counting down the days to Star Wars Episode III Revenge Of The Sith, or for the Star Virgins Superfan SWIII:ROTS, and it seems that tons of people are reaching a fevered pitch to see this movie. I have one important question about that....
Yesterday I was out at Best Buy looking for some new games for my X Box. For some ungodly reason they put the shit I want to look at at the back of the store, thus guranteeing that I have to walk past the music section, film section, every freakin section to get to the X Box games.
Seriously folks......what in the blue hell is going on these days in television? I was flipping through the channels and came upon "a special" 7th Heaven (like every freakin episode isn't a special one with these turds. I seriously think they had a special epsiode when one of the kids took their first crap).
I just read that one of my favorite television series Arrested Development has had its 22 episode commitment cut to 18, and that the show may be cancelled. Ratings are down to about 1 Million people an episode.
When I was in school me and my bro made friends with a Japanese Exchange Student. This guy was totally kick ass and quite the ladies man. His first name was Hung, so we used to always joke that his name full name was Hung Row.
I seriously just don't understand the current "emo" thing thats going on. I am not talking about the real emo from 20 years ago, I am talking about the pop culture marketed emo that's out there. I really didn't pay much attention until one time down in Austin I ran into some "emo" kids (I say kid and I am 24, but these people acted like 12 year olds) at a bar on 6th street.
After catching 24 (which rocked out) I flipped around the channels and caught the last 1/4 of Jaws 4. Now from Jaws 4 I learned several things I never freakin knew about sharks
Below Are The Various Rants I Have Written On Everything From Pop Culture To Politics
Everyone's favorite former Iraqi Information Minister speaks:
Here you can find The Good Rev's brilliant rants, reviews, and thoughts on how much he hates whitey.
Below are all the posts I have done about Webster, the fat kid that lives next door to me.
Trailer Park Boys is quite possibly the most brilliant televison series of all time. Set in the fictional Sunnyvale Trailer Park in Canada, it follows around three main characters named Julian, Bubbles, and Ricky as they attempt to make a better life for themselves through any means necessary. That can include growing dope, making pornos, or opening up an illegal gas station in the park.