Sunday, June 11, 2006

I Really Hate Steve Harvey, And I Can't Explain Why.

Steve Harvey....this guy has never done anything to hurt or offend me. Yet for some reason the very mention of his name makes my blood start boiling. I think it stems from the fact that this no talent dude keeps getting TV show after TV show. Really is there that much of a demand for a lead/host that has the following qualifications:

1. Walk woodenly around everywhere. You can not bend your limbs if at all possible.

2. Look extremely uncomfortable on camera at all times.

3. Do absolutely NOTHING but laugh and smile with a huge set of teef and gums showing.

Seriously if any of you have had the "opportunity" to see Steve Harvey in anything you will know what I'm talking about. The guy does absolutely jack freakin shit. Every show he's in all he does is walk around like a human tree, look super uncomfortable, and whenever anything happens (funny or not) unleashes his big ass teef/mustache combo on the world.

Don't believe me? Fine here's some pics of Mr Harvey in action.

Here's Steve showing off his teef.

Oooops look like someone axed Steve a question that made him uncomfortable. What does he do???? He automatically goes into Steve Harvey defense mode. That is laugh, show off your big teef, then go "that's crazy!"

In the below pic I can only surmise that someone either axed Steve about the smash success of The Steve Harvey Show, Showtime At The Apollo Hosted By Steve Harvey, or Steve Harveys Big Time Challenge. Or they just axed "hey Steve, smile uncomfortably and how off your teef!"

Uh oh....looks like someone must of brought an axe or a fire. Steve Harvey (much like a tree) is afraid for fire and axes, FIRE BAD.

Finally here's a shot of Steve hosting "Steve Harvey's Big Time Challenge"


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