Tookie Dies....Libs Cry....Somewhere I Am Smiling
I know it's wrong of me to find so much joy over an event that is centrally based on someones life ending.... but I am. I'm sure plenty of you know of Stan "Tookie" Williams and by now if you know about the case you have probably made up your own mind on his guilt or innocence.
Tookie was like the prettiest girl in school, everyone wanted a piece. I mean it's nuts how this guy was all over the news. The other night BET was running a special on Tookie Williams. Since I'm sure we can count on BET for non biased reporting on subjects like this I was shocked to find out several "facts" that the "main stream media" (read Whitey) are continuing to ignore:
1. Racism was definitely involved in this case: All the way from the police arresting Tookie, to the jury selection, to the trial, racism was everywhere. This was especially proved when they interview Tookie who said that since he wasn't judged by a "Jury of his peers" (and went on to explain that if they pretty much weren't black gangbangers then they weren't his peers).
I mean the chief of police didn't even consider that a non black guy would of committed these murders. That's just outrageous considering they happened in the middle of an area where the population was largely black, shoddy police work there the police chief should of been scouring the country clubs and Rodeo Drive for the real killers.
2. The police never had any witnesses to the murders Tookie was charged with: BET conveniently glossed over the fact that the only witnesses were killed by Tookie and the forensic evidence at the crime scene.
3. Tookies been a really swell guy in prison, and has even written a series of kid books to stop them from joining gangs: BET also must of had to cut the part where they non-biasedly report about all the times Tookie got in trouble for beating and stabbing fellow prisoners. But still....he did write kids books. I mean did Dahmer, Bundy, or any of those other guys write kids books?
4. Tookies really, REALLY sorry for starting the Crips: And isn't an apology all we are really looking for? Good enough for me man. Of course he's never admitted to his crime and refuses to apologize for it.
5. Tookie Wrote Childrens Books: Well lets just call that the end of any arguements for Tookies death right there. It's a good thing Tookie didn't draw a bunch of pretty pictures of clowns, because that sure as fuck didn't get John Wayne Gacy off the hook. Nope, Tookie wrote a series of kids books under the banner "Tookie Speaks Out Against Gang Violence" where he gives really sweet lesson to young kids on how to avoid gangs and live a good life. All of his supporters pointed to these books as an example of how he was reformed. What they don't know is Tookies editors changed up his books to make them seem all nice, and only published the ones that were co-written with another lady. They pretty much threw out all the stuff Tookie wrote and left all the good stuff the lady wrote. In fact the only two books that were 100% Tookie were kept from being published. Luckily I managed to procur a couple shots of the covers of these two books.

You think that one was bad, Tookies published threw his humidor through a window when he saw the other one Tookie wrote by himself.

After watching this hard hitting, non-biased, reporting I was still not quite convinced on Tookies innocence. Call me crazy I know. However it seems at the last minute some "suprise witnesses" came forward to try and save Tookie. This is amazing, I mean it has only been 25 plus years since the crime, what's the odds of this happening?
Well unfortunately all the courts decided not to hear these last minute witnesses and rejected Tookies lawyers pleas. At that point they decided their only chance was getting the Governor to grant clemency. Big fucking mistake in my mind, I mean that's asking Teddy Kennedy for swimming lessons big mistake. I mean when I think of the phrase "sanctity of life" Arnold Swartzenegger doesn't exactly come to mind. I mean are you honestly gonna ask the fucking Terminator to save someone's life? Arnolds probably killed more people, robots, and space aliens throughout his film career than cancer has killed people.
In fact I would bet Arnold had probably volunteered to push the button kiling Tookie while dressed as one of his movie characters. Hell he probably spent weeks thinking of the perfect catch phrase to say as he did it, thank god his political advisors stopped him from doing it.

As the clock was ticking down the usual cast of onlookers, libs, idiots, newspeople, and leeches showed up at San Quintin. All the libs are out there crying about how when the State kills you kill, the death penalty is wrong and barbaric, the usual crybaby bullshit. Of course these are the same idiots that wave banners such as "We Support Our Troops When They Shoot Their Officers" and protest all wars no matter what the reason for them. Say what you want to about the Iraq war, but some of these pussies even protested kicking the shit out of the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. I often find myself wondering why in the hell a bunch of these libs couldn't of been having a protest on top of the the WTC on September 11th, maybe that would convince some of them that every now and then war and killing is necessary. I guess these people never saw the photos of Tookies vicitms, I won't post them here but if you want too go look them up....THAT'S BARBARIC.
Whats pathetic is I am fairly damn sure that even with 1,000 plus people out there protesting about only a dozen or so would be missing work the next day if they all stayed there.
If I can stop and actually be serious for a moment this is reason 4,904 why I hate libs. They live in this fucking fantasy world that seems to be based on a few simple laws, among them:
1. If a black man is sentenced by a white jury or judge it is a bad conviction
2. If celebrities support a person on death row then thats what you should support
3. A man can brutally murder several people, but if he sells at least 332 copies of a kids book then he deserves to be spared. Seriously folks that's it. 332 copies of his first two books, that's COMBINED sales. I'm pretty goddamned sure thats less than the monthly circulation of Tranny Granny Sex Machines, I should know I'm the editor in chief.
I know this is wrong but I actually started to view this whole thing as a battle of good vs evil, common sense vs liberalism, take your pick of dramatic metaphors. I am being deadly serious here, I felt that Tookies life COULD NOT be spared. If he did this would be a major victory for the libs and would make them just absolutely insufferable. Then they would start campaigning for every murderer or criminal out there. I mean OJ got off the hook, Roman Polanski is still free, and fucking Beretta got away with it why can't they just give me this one?
My personal favorite moment came when I saw Jesse Jackson was out there as well. I knew something must of been wrong when I saw Jesse running around in a frenzy pulling the hair out of his head. It seems Tookie could have 5 witnesses at his execution and Jesse was not one of those picked. Jesse of course wanted to be there by his side reprising his role from the Martin Luther King assasination. It makes perfect sense as well, I mean without Jesse there by Tookies side Jesse won't be able to extract the maximum amount of publicity and money from this incident.
And I am absolutely fucking loving it. The only thing better than a brutal murderer getting popped is seeing Jesse Jackson ripping the hair out of his head because he can't profit from it.
Let's run down the Carnonymous happiness checklist:
-Murderer getting popped? Check
-Jesse Jackson upset and going crazy because he can't profit off it? Checkity Check
-Seeing the libs get upset? Check Plus
-Finding out Tookies good friend and supporter Jamie Fox is at TO's birthday party instead of there? Double Check
I found this little piece of satire and almost laughed my balls off, because I could totally see it being true.
Sean Penn Weeps over Execution
Actor Sean Penn was among the thousand, or so, protesting the execution of four-time murderer Tookie Williams on Tuesday. As the crowd outside San Quentin State Prison was told after midnight that Williams was dead, Penn broke into tears.
“I’ve killed more people in my movies than Tookie killed, but that doesn’t make me a bad person,” Penn said. “Why can’t we see the good in Tookie? He’s written children’s books for Christ’s sake.”
Penn admitted he hadn’t read any of Williams’ books, but asserted they must be good because they must have been written with passion. “A person who murders someone is a person of strong passions,” said Penn. “How could such a person not be a good writer?”
Penn vowed to make a movie based on one or more of Williams’ books as a “legacy to his greatness.”
Now after reading that don't tell me that couldn't of happened. Whoever wrote that was fucking brilliant. I just can't fathom what the hell it is about the most obviously guilty people out there that makes celibs flock to them like moths to a porchlight. I would almost bet that if we had celibs back in the 1940's like we have today a bunch of them would be at the Nuremburg trial crying for the Nazi war criminals. Of course back then John Wayne would of shown up and bitch smacked them all the way back to Hollywood so that would of been worth it, the Duke doesn't stand for that kind of shit.
The real Penn was there and someone got a GREAT shot of him crying at the magic hour. I fucking love this picture!

Okay, so look. I am just blog surfing this morning, and I come across this blog. It's perfect. I couldn't have expressed this thing better myself. BET was to Tookie what FOX is to Bush -- a silly little sham. Anyway, I was trying to read your Confessions blog, and ended up here instead. I can understand how it must be difficult to maintain all the blogs, but you have to keep writing away. You definitely make good sense. Visit me at I hope you'll enjoy my blog, too.
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