Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Teddy Kennedy's Writing A Kids Book, Why Am I Sure Swimming Won't Be Involved In The story line?

So yesterday I found this story on Newsmax and almost pissed my pants from laughing. You know that the books illustrator is gonna have the worlds easiest job. I mean a 56 page book will probably have about 10-12 pictures in it right?

Well if it really is a book that chronicles one day in Teddys life about 7 of the pictures can just be a black page to represent Teddy being in a liquor induced blackout. Then maybe a picture of Teddy staggering around and drunkenly screaming at his aides (with a bottle of whiskey in one hand) about how he created Monopoly and that no good bastard Reagan stole the idea from him, crap like that.

I can't guarantee that that will be in the book but I would be willing to bet a Fifth of Jack that the book will definitely:

1. Not include any mention of swimming

2. An evil villain probably named something like George Rush who is out to steal all the happy thoughts, rainbows, and sunshine in the world. If the kids don't band together and vote Democrat then the evil Mr Rush will reenact slavery, put all Asians in WWII esque interment camps, and steal Christmas from children the world over.

The only real question I have is will Teddys book manage to out sell that other behemoth of the children's book publishing world, Tookie Williams? Well if Teddy can sell 333 copies he will accomplish that Herculean goal.

Sen. Ted Kennedy 'Dogged' By Children's Book

Meet the latest children's author, Sen. Ted Kennedy, and his Portuguese Water Dog, Splash, his co-protagonist in "My Senator and Me: A Dogs-Eye View of Washington, D.C."

Scholastic Inc. will release the book in May.

"I am very excited about the opportunity to create a book for young readers and their families that will deepen their understanding of how our American government works," Kennedy said in a statement Monday issued by Scholastic.

According to Scholastic, Kennedy's book "not only takes readers through a full day in the Senator's life, but also explains how a bill becomes a law." Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat, was inspired to write the book from his work with a Washington-based reading program, "Everybody Wins!"

Kennedy's net proceeds will be donated to charity.
Books are a Kennedy family tradition, from John F. Kennedy's Pulitzer Prize-winning "Profiles in Courage" to the poetry compilations edited by Caroline Kennedy. Books about dogs are a Washington tradition, thanks to the best-selling "Millie's Book," by then-first lady Barbara Bush.

Ted Kennedy's book is 56 pages and includes illustrations by David Small, winner of the 2001 Caldecott Medal for his pictures in Judith St. George's "So You Want to Be President?"


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