Thursday, February 24, 2005

Star Wars Episode III: AKA Lucas Fists Us Again

So tons of nerds are counting down the days to Star Wars Episode III Revenge Of The Sith, or for the Star Virgins Superfan SWIII:ROTS, and it seems that tons of people are reaching a fevered pitch to see this movie. I have one important question about that....


I seriously feel like George Lucas personally fist fucked me twice with each of the previous "prequals" and I am wondering why this one will be different. Lets face it, Episode I and II both sucked complete and utter donkey ass. Lets go over a quick synopsis of each of the previous prequals:

Episode I:

-Korean Aliens talk about nefarious plan to do something
-Obi Wan and his mentor show up and fight, fight scenes suck
-They crash land on crappy planet and meet the most annoying character since Cousin Oliver, Jar Jar Binks
-Jar Jar proceeds to take a huge shit on the audience and mock their $10 invested in this turd with his crappy antics
-They land on Tatooine and meet a horrible played Anakin (as a kid).
-We find out the force isn't anything mystical its an infection. Herpes gives you sores and incredible pain, the force mydocholrians give you the ability to force choke someone
-They fight Darth Whoever and kill him
-Everyone muses if there are any more Sith. Even without knowing ANYTHING about Star Wars and knowing the Emperors name is Palpatine, Corky from Life goes on can figure out that Senator Palpatine is the other Sith

Episode II:
-We are introduced to an older Anakin. Instead of being the horrible actor kid, we see Hayden Christiansen who could be replaced by a log with mullet/rat tail combo haircut. His is that wooden an actor.
-We learn Anakin has a boner for Padme who he met in the first movie. Look I can realize having a fantasy for an ex babysitter or some crap like that, but this girl is a serious sexual predator. I mean she was like 18 and he was 6 and racing space carts when they first met, now she wants to blow him? Thats just creepy
-We get introduced to not quite Boba Fett, and find out a bunch of clones are getting made
-We sit on our asses for about 90 minutes as melodrama plays out, and a mystery that makes Inspector Cleousaus 1 Minute Mysterys seem daunting, unfolds.
-Yoda fights
-Clones fight robots

Everyone tried to excuse this pile of turds with "but man Yoda fought, and the clones fought".

Whooop dee freakin do.

Here I am again kind of looking forward to his next Star Wars movie. It looks like it might be good, but I know I KNOW deep down in my heart of hearts that it will suck like all the others. Yes it has Darth Vader in it, but thats for like 3 minutes.

Its like watching a porno, I don't want to see the all the "story" or whatever just fast forward it till I see tits. If I could go see Star Wars and fast forward it to Darth Vader I would definitely go see it.

I say this knowing fully that I will be sitting on opening night watching this, and then most likely going home to take a long shower and cry cuz lucas assfucked me again.


At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anger, Fear, Aggression the dark side are they... sounds like youve got a buildup of them all. Maybe your expectations were just too high :)

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Carnonymous said...

Why am I about 99.9% sure you are typing this from your laptop as you camp out infront of a theater to be the first one to see the movie?


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