Jurassic Park 4 Is Currently Experiencing Script Issues. I Ask "Whats The Fucking Problem?" (And Solve It)
So I was surfing the web the other day and came upon a story about Jurrasic Park 4. I was at first amazed there is even going to be a Jurassic Park 4 after having seen the shitpile that was Jurassic Park 3, but thats a whole other story.
Well it seems that production of Jurassic Park 4 is on hold until they "get the script right". I really have to ask the question how fucking hard it is to write a script for a Jurassic Park movie?
Well dont' worry Steven Spielberg I'm here to rescue you with providing the blue print for Jurassic Park 4 through 24.
-Cue opening scene of a mysterious island. Enter humans, enter dinosaurs that aren't really seen too well, cut to humans screaming then title of movie.
-Cut to rich person making a decision that he and a team of disposable characters must go back to this mysterious island. An assistant axes him "but who knows enough about dinosaurs to lead us when we get to this mysterious island?"
-Cut to shot of a cast member of one of the previous movies (most likely Sam Neil or Jeff Goldbloom) giving a really smart sounding speech. The assistant for the rich guy pulls him aside after the speech. Neil/Goldbloom is implored to meet with the rich person, they at first heatedly deny the request but then give in.
-Cut to meeting with rich tycoon. Tycoon is a personable guy who smiles and (with a buildup of background music) proposes returning to Jurassic Park for some bullshit reason. Then cut to previous cast member (who is also there with other assembled smart types) giving a speech about how science is completely out of control and there's no way they are going back to the island. They talk about how they may of been fooled once and even twice to going to this island but there's no way they are ever going back.
-Cut to improbable reason to get supposedly genius previous cast member to go back to the island. They soon forget that the previous two times they went to the island tons of people get killed.
-The group arrives to the island. All is good for about 20 minutes, with only fleeting sightings of dinosaurs (tracks, eggshells, etc).


-Massive attack by dinosaurs where at least half of the extras (usually trained soldiers with guns) get killed (most likely by Raptors)


-Survivors find an abandoned building for shelter. There we have a conversation where the smart scientfic types speak ominously about how man knows so little of his present world, how can he even try to understand the past.
-Another 30 to 45 minutes of filler bullshit, a few more people die and the main characters escape off the island.
Now slap a $100,000,000 budget on it and some tie ins with Burger King and you have a summer movie. FUCK, why has NOBODY in Hollywood offered me a job yet?????
I see a brilliant film career ahead of you.
God I freakin hope so, I am not sure how much longer I can take the stress of having to work a real job.
-Carnonymous The Brilliant
You forgot lawyers being eaten. Always a popular film staple.
Yes Carnonymous! Hilarious and brilliant!!!:-)
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