Dear Amnesty International, Kindly Go Fuck Yourself
Dear Amnesty International,
Recently you compared the Guantanamo Bay detention facility to the "gulags" of the former Soviet Union. While I shouldn't be surprised at this statement, as it is just the latest in your line of America bashing ones, I truly object to this particular one. I realize you are the same assholes that think the death penalty is barbaric and dehumanizing, but so is someone like Jessica Lunsford (at 9 years old) getting raped and buried alive. Jeezus what the fuck is wrong with you people?
I am truly sick and fucking tired of elitist libs such as yourself constantly bashing the greatest nation in the history of the planet. Yes America has her bad parts, but she is still the single greatest force for good out there. The hypocrisy inherent in your statement makes me laugh harder than The Mad Vloggers latest attempt at humor (not that he's funny, it's just so fucking pathetic it makes me laugh). You seem so concerned for a group of terrorists, rapists, and murderers and will raise hell over:
-The very mention of someone not properly handling the Quran (Terrorist training manuals have been found where they have been told to pretty much use our own PC Lib patrol against us with claims of abuse, religious intolerance, and other such actions)
-The possibility of the torture of terrorists. Even if this produces information leading to the stopping of future actions or capture of more terrorists. As far as I'm concerned they should take these guys, strip em naked, superglue their balls to the floor, set the room on fire and hand them a knife.
-The fact we won't let your people on the premises so you can make sure we are taking care of them under "international standards". This is what irks you the most I suspect, that you can't give aid and comfort to these ravings barbarians. So sorry douchebags, in case you didn't know this is The United States of America not he United States Of The World. We don't have to listen to your bullshit about how we aren't in sync with what the world wants.
-That we do not give captured terrorists Geneva Convention rights
What I am wondering is where were you when:
-Saddam Hussein was creating mass graves
-Saddam Hussein and his government were running torture chambers, rape vans, and other items such as that. I don't remember you calling press conferences to denounce these actions, must of missed them.
-During the invasion of Iraq several of our soldiers were captured then tortured and executed. In case you didn't know it is highly unusual for a bunch of soldiers to end up with a single bullet hole in their forehead. Why did you not demand access to soldiers captured by the Iraqi Army?
-Insurgents (oh I'm sorry should I call them by the lib term of "freedom fighters"?)belonging to the same groups as the people in Guantanamo kidnapped, tortured, and then killed civilians from the US, Japan, and Nepal (to name a few)? Were these people not eligible for protection and the same basic rights you want extended to these murderers?
I guess not because those kidnapped by the insurgents were not fighting for any nation, and thus are not eligible for Geneva Convention protections. Well guess what? Neither are those inside Guantanamo. These are not soldiers fighting for any nation (and the GC only protects soldiers fighting for nations), the closest thing I could equate them to would be someone from a criminal organization/gang.
What would protect a member of a gang in the United States would be that they are US citizens, and as far as I know no US citizens are inside Guantanmo (and if they are I say they should have their citizenship stripped. Those that fight against us such as John Walker Lindh are traitors and as soon as you pick up a weapon to fight against the US you renounce your citizenship in my view).
The fact that not a peep comes from your organization during something such as the Nick Berg incident, yet someone mishandles what is basically a bunch of dead tree cells with ink on it and you shit your pants. Don't even go into the "well the Quran is a holy object and we need to respect it" bullshit line, because I hate to tell you these people do not respect us.
Quite frankly I (and I would bet most Americans) don't give a goddamned freakin crap if a US soldier spits on, pisses on, microwaves, eats, then shits a whole Quran into a toilet as long as these barbarians are doing things far worse.
Even Corky from Life Goes On could figure out what is worse. Lets axe him... Hey Corky which is worse? This:

Terrorist Holiday Inn

or this?

THIS Is Prisoner Abuse

Well Corky what do you say?

Corky Says "Fuck You Amnesty"

Thanks Corky, see folks it's that fucking simple. Amnesty International, kindly go fuck yourselves.
Carnonymous The Brilliant
Oh and to all of those who will post a comment on this that goes into a "America is evil" rant, I got this right here for ya.

Eat It Libs

Bush won Kerry lost, get the fuck over it for Christ's sake. It's time for you to
Actually, Amnesty Int'l was trying to do something about the mass graves, it's just fairly difficult when your lives are being threatened.
Otherwise, the group is in the same boat as the military is. Neither group really knows how to deal with terrorist groups or their unconventional ways, so they're doing what they've always done.
If you want to see Amnesty International doing some real work, look at how far they've come over in Africa. It puts the group in a much better light.
You raise excellent points Carnonymous!
I can just see it now . . . Amnesty International at the Nuremberg trials . . . "Hanging, no, we can't do that to the Nazis who put Europe through six years of hell. How about we give them a stern warning? Some warm cocoa? Now, you Americans . . ."
Wait a second.... there was DOUBT?
-Carnonymous The Brilliant
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