Trailer Park Boys Is Sheer Brillance
Pay attention you turds, I very rarely give anything a positive review but this television show has officialy earned the Carnonymous Seal of Approval.

Jimmy The Tard

Trailer Park Boys is a Canadian television show that is similar in style to Comedy Central's Reno 911 or Fox's Arrested Development. Single camera, documentry style, no laugh track, etc. Simply put Trailer Park Boys is sheer fucking brilliance.
Check out the link on the left hand side of this page for the Showcase website for Trailer Park Boys. There you can find out about the characters and get both season and episode recaps.
Or if you are a lazy fat fuck like Webster you can go here Trailer Park Boys Website
Here are the recaps of two episodes from the Showcase website, trust me if you like this website you will both love and "get" Trailer Park Boys. It follows the two main characters Ricky and Julian as they try to get their life back together after getting out of prison. Seasons One though Four are some of the best television I have ever seen in my life. I am eagerly awaiting Season Five being released on DVD so I can find out what the hell Ricky, Julian, Bubbles, J to the R.O.C, Randy, Mr Lahey, and everyone else has been up to.
The Green Bastard
Today is Lahey's day. Despite the fact that he is no longer the Sunnyvale Trailer Park Supervisor, it seems that Jim Lahey has won the prestigious International Trailer Park Supervisor of the Year Award and they're presenting him with the award today. Lahey plans to lie about his role, convinced that the award is a good thing for the park because it will generate good publicity and increased property value.
Meanwhile, Ricky explains that he's holding a special family fun day to help raise money to buy the park—Barb needs a deposit soon. There are bulldozer rides for the kids and games for everyone: people can even pay to shoot paintball guns at Cory and Trevor. Ricky and Julian show Bubbles a wrestling ring they've set up for him as part of the celebration. Bubbles is thrilled and gets out his old wrestling costume—he's "The Green Bastard" from "parts unknown."
The union of supervisors shows up and Jim gives them a tour of the park. An argument breaks out when Ricky introduces himself as the Trailer Park Supervisor, but no one believes him. Jim tries to assert his power in front of the union by trying to shut down the wrestling area. Ricky won't relent, though, and challenges Jim to a wrestling match. Mr. Lahey agrees but under two conditions: 1) it must be a tag team match with Mr. Lahey and Randy on one team and Ricky and Bubbles on the other and 2) the winner gets the job of Trailer Park Supervisor. Confident of victory, Ricky agrees. But Mr. Lahey and Randy manage to cheat and win the match. Mr. Lahey is presented with the Trailer Park Supervisor of the Year Award and resumes control of the park.
Ricky can't take it anymore—it's all so unfair—so he slams into the union members' cars with the bulldozer. The union people leave outraged and Barb is irate. Julian tells Ricky not to worry: with Ricky relieved of his supervisor duties, they'll now have more time to focus on growing their dope.
Mr. James Lahey is once again the Sunnyvale Trailer Park Supervisor and is savouring every moment. He's already holding a bake sale to raise money for a fund that he can use at his discretion for the betterment of Sunnyvale. Meanwhile, the Boys find Bubbles trying to extract an infected tooth by tying one end of a string to his tooth, and the other end to the shed door. This strategy doesn't remove the tooth, but it does manage to give Ricky a broken and bloodied nose in the process. Julian stops the bleeding with an old glue rag, which sticks to Ricky's nose.
Julian insists that Bubbles be taken to the hospital so that a doctor can look at his tooth. At first Bubbles refuses—he hates hospitals—but then agrees to go if someone/thing called "Conky" can go with him. Ricky and Julian look at each other: this isn't good. The Boys explain that Conky is the name of a ventriloquist doll Bubbles made in grade six. They also explain that when Bubbles operated the doll, something strange happened to him—he seemed to develop a mean alter ego who was especially fond of insulting Ricky. To protect Bubbles, Ricky and Julian threw the doll in the pond years ago.
When Bubbles insists, the guys go to the pond and find Conky. The effect the doll has on Bubbles is spooky. Almost immediately, Conky starts insulting Ricky. Ricky is soon at odds with the dummy. The guys go to the hospital with Conky offending Ricky the entire time. As soon as the Boys enter the hospital, their problems get worse. Bubbles doesn't have a health card, Ricky is swearing and beginning to hallucinate from the fumes of the glue rag (still stuck to his nose) and Conky is egging him on. Not surprisingly, they are kicked out of the hospital.
Meanwhile, the Boys are still worried about Bubbles' tooth. Suddenly, they see the answer to their prayers: a sign for the newly re-opened Sam Losco Veterinary Clinic. Granted, Sam is a greasy bastard, but he is a trained medical professional. Ricky and Julian go inside to check things out first, while Bubbles waits in the car. While they're gone, Conky stirs up trouble and Bubbles ends up fighting with Randy and Mr. Lahey. Sam panics and shoots Lahey and Randy with a tranquilizer gun. Julian manages to calm everyone down, but not before the cops have been called. Sam agrees to operate on Bubbles in exchange for Julian taking care of the cops, who will be bad for business. By this point, though, Conky has almost taken over Bubbles' personality. Before things can get even crazier, Julian shoots Conky. The spell is broken and Bubbles has his tooth removed. Ricky convinces the cops that Lahey and Randy wrecked the place and passed out, drunk. The cops buy it.
Do yourself a favor, go to Ebay and buy the first four seasons of Trailer Park Boys it will be money well spent. You can thank yourself, and me, later just go buy it NOW.

J To The R, O, C.

What a motley looking crew. Kinda like the Revenge of the Nerds boys all grown up. Off to ebay now, as my obedience to your brilliance is mandated.
I've seen the guy with the glasses somewhere before... Oh, wait, I know, we shared a sled during the Iditarod. He could start a fire with those lenses.
I know you aren't making fun of Bubbles. He's a true Renassiance man.
He's down with Plato and Socrates and he likes to get busy with all the ladies.
Simply put, this show is fucking amazing and the type of show I aspire to make one day.
-Carnonymous The Brilliant
I've been watching it for a while now, it's strangely addicting... I think those Canadians are taking over the world through affordable perscriptions and hellified comedy shows.
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