I Hate It When Celebrities Get Sick
Nothing pisses me off more than when a celebrity gets sick or has some type of affliction. Not because I care for them, but because all of a sudden they become an advocate for folks with that disease. Since they are celebrities they then call press conference after press conference, do the talk show circuit, and basically pimp out their disease until everyone else wants to vomit. But this sudden caring for the disease is complete and utter bullshit. Up until the point they caught that disease or got that affliction they didn't give two craps about it.
Take Christopher Reeve for instance. Hey I loved Superman as much as the next person (except for that lame ass one where he fought Sun Man or whatever the fuck his name was), but can you remember ONE instance of Christopher Reeve speaking out for those that are paralyzed, pre-accident? NO!
One failed horsejump later he is giving a speech at Congress saying if we spend a shitload of money we can cure paralysis. Look I'm sorry you got paralyzed man, I really am. And I am sure if I was in your boat I would want to be cured. But just because you can't get your dick up or even manage to walk up a flight of stairs doesn't give you the excuse to be a hypocritical asshole and suddenly demand that people care and give money to cure your affliction.
Man if I was Christopher Reeve, I wouldn't of bothered with trying to cure paralysis. I would of focused on something more reasonable and achievable, namely the annilation of all horses on the panic. I would of opened up concentration camps for every horse out there, bombed the Kentucky Derby, and opened up the worlds biggest glue factory on my front lawn.
Why can't some celebrity come down with a cool disease, like Proteus Syndrome, its better known as Elephant Mans disease. Its what made a limey guy by the name of Joseph Merrick become the legendary Elephant Man.
Man I would so freakin pay to see someone like that tool Carson Daly standing in front of Congress all gnarled up and talking about if the US spends a billion dollars we can cure this affliction that affects one out of ever 400 million people born. Then he would truly look like the selfish pricks that these sick celebrities are.

What a friggin tool

Update/Edit: The Elephant Man did not have Neurofibromatosis, as several readers have pointed out. But it would still be awesome if Carson Daly got Elephant Man's Disease just because he sucks the big one. My apologies to those with neurofibromatosis that got so upset over a total of 13 words in this rant, it's appears one of the side affects is it makes many as pyschologically fragile/emotional as a 13 year old girl on her period.
I personally find it hilarious that since my site included 13 words dealing with Neurofibromatosis it is listed as "A Blog That Mentions NF" on a message board. That's hilarious.
keep this up carnonymous and I'm going to have to retract the part of my review where I doubt your ability to define brilliance.
I saw Anthony Edwards on TV the other day fronting for autism. When the talking head interviewing found out that Edwards didn't have any relatives that suffered from it, I thought his head would explode. A celeb actually giving his time to a good cause out of the kindness of his heart - amazing! I say kudos to the nerd!!
I have neurofibromatosis and I am not disfigured, but I have plenty of "hidden" painful tumors all over my body. They could be worse.
The Elephant man did not have neurofibromatosis. This has been wrongly associated and since disassociated with him. It is not "cool" to have this.
Imagine dancing with a hot chick at a club in a big city and she touches your chest and feels one of these small tumors and is totally sickened by you.
Thanks for making me feel worse that I already do feel. I was simply looking online for support, comfort and relief from the pain you dudes could never deal with even in your worst nightmares. And I find this. It's that bad. Please be informed and be sensitive. Peace
You obviously don't get the point of this post man. My bad on the neurofibromatosis, I did a google search and that's what came up as the Elephant Mans Disease.
You do have to admit that Carson Daly is still a major tool.
-Carnonymous The Brilliant
Do your homework. The Elephant Man had Proteus Syndrome you dumbass.
Of course people, celebs or not, get more interested in a medical condition or ailment when it affects them or someone in their family. Obviously Mary Tyler Moore is the spokesperson for Diabetes because she is a diabetic. Why would the diabetics want a non-diabetic celebrity spokesperson...who has no understanding of what they are going through.
I didn't become interested in Neurofibromatosis until my infant daughter was diagnosed with it. So is my sudden caring for the disease "complete and utter bullshit"? Does it mean I didn't "give two craps" about it before?
And yeah, I guess Carson Daly is a tool but if you want to hate a celebrity, hate Patricia Heaton and those stupid grocery commericals she does.
The banner of your website contains "I am a genius....".
HAH!!! You are one ignorant ass clown. As I join forces here (I have Neurofibromatosis - and not disfigured), may I say first and foremost that you need to DO YOUR HOMEWORK, EINSTEIN!!! CAPISH?
Secondly... who gives a rat's ass what celebrities want to do with their money? They're not spending it on botox or putting gunk in their arms or up their nose... and those things alone are newsworthy in today's snotrag publications and crapola TV shows.
That said... why do you want to pollute the already polluted internet with this crap? Is it because you are compensating for a small appendage? Or is it possibly because you were not breast-fed as a child? Just curious.
Have a nice day, ajax.
Hahahahahaha, thanks alot dude you just made me crack up. Obviously you took the time to read my "crap" and cared enough about it to comment.
I have already been called on the neurofibromatosis bit when I first put this up. Now I could of gone back and edited the article to the correct disease, but chose not to so my mistake would be up for all to see.
These anonymous comments are my favorite.
-Carnonymous The Brilliant
ok you need to get the facts straight .
you are born with neurofibromatosis you just dont get afflicted with it.
Facts & Statistics
# NF is not a rare disorder, it is the most common neurological disorder caused by a single gene.
# NF has been classified into two distinct types, NF1 and NF2. They are caused by different genes, located on different chromosomes.
# NF1 is the more common form of NF, affecting approximately 1:4,000 births throughout the world.
# NF2 affects about 1:40,000 people worldwide.
# Both NF1 and NF2 are genetically-determined disorders which affect more than 100,000 Americans; this makes NF more prevalent than Cystic Fibrosis, hereditary Muscular Dystrophy, Huntington's Disease and Tay Sachs combined.
# Both forms of NF are autosomal dominant genetic disorders which can be inherited from a parent who has NF or may be the result of a new or "spontaneous mutation" (change) in the sperm or egg cell.
# Each child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting the gene and developing NF. The type of NF (i.e., NF1 or NF2) inherited by the child is always the same as that of the affected parent, although the severity of the manifestations may differ from person to person within a family.
# NF is worldwide in distribution and affects both sexes equally and has no particular racial, geographic or ethnic distribution. Therefore, NF can appear in any family.
# Although most cases of NF1 are mild to moderate, NF can lead to disfigurement; blindness; deafness; skeletal abnormalities; dermal, brain and spinal tumors; loss of limbs; malignancies; and learning disabilities.
# NF also has a connection to developmental problems, especially learning disabilities, which are five times more common in the NF population than in the general population.
# Accordingly, NF research may benefit an additional 100 million Americans (i.e. 65 million with cancer and 35 million with learning disabilities).
# NF is not the "Elephant Man's Disease," although it was at one time believed to be. Scientists now believe that John Merrick, the so-called "Elephant Man," had Proteus Syndrome, an entirely different disorder.
# NF research began eighteen years ago by the Children's Tumor Foundation, has been enormously productive ever since.
next time you need to do a better search
neurofibromatosis can leave a person disfigured , there are very few people who know what this is , it is hard enough to get a diagnosis so how do you kniow so much about and yet you post false facts.
to make fun of people is really rude , as some people may be self conscious of their appearance , many people have numerous bumps all over their body and face , many children have lost a leg or have had to wear a brace ,
most celebrties do fundraisers because they either have a relative or a friend that has a disorder,
they just want to make the public aware of what certain disorders are and the problems they can cause especially if there is no cure. with nf we are lucky if we can get meds to control pain we have no control over the tumors coming.there is no cure for this
. <<<< see that, it's a point.
And you guys obviously don't get it, man what a bunch of sensitive cry babies. I have to assume you are generally sensitive to everything, not just stuff that affects you.
-Carnonymous The Brilliant
You would really freaking pay??? How about a donation to the Children's Tumor Foundation??? My child is one of the disfigured peole that you talk about in your blog.
He is going to college so for the cost of his text books to the Children's Tumor Foundation. ( That would only be around $250.00)
That being said....you do have an interestomg point.
Thank you for bringing NF to your blog.
Hate to say it, but you guys prove my point, at least in a round about way. On this site I have made fun of fat people, midgets, retards, and others.
Out of ALL those things, you chose to get upset and speak up about the one thing affecting you.
I haven't seen one comment from you guys about the other groups I talk about on this site, why? Because it doesn't affect you.
Grow up and get over it. I have said it before, if there is a god he probably has a sense of humor and my kids will be midget, retarded, gay, blind, fat, albinos. And I guess now be affected by NF.
-Carnonymous The Brilliant
Well, all I have to say is that I have googled Neurofibromatosis dozens of times and NEVER EVER EVER come across Elephants Man Disease. Do your homework before you say stupid things. You equate our reactions and emotions as 13 year old girl like who have their periods??? Your research equates to that of an individual who has not ben taught the proper forms of research.
Oh and by the way, people with NF can also be short statured, have mental retardation, and many of the other things you poke fun at, so in essence, we are upset with all you have said, not just the Elephant Man comments, or your statments about those who are different.
I rather Have NF1 then AIDS
Okay NF board members, have you ever laughed at a joke where a particular group of people were the target? It could be short people, midgets, minorities, white people, retarded people, christians, liberals, conservatives....whatever.
If you have, then kindly be quiet, you laughed at joke that made fun of a particular group. But since it didn't affect you you didnt' care.
BTW the "target" of this rant was not those with NF, but self centered celebs so get over yourselves.
-Carnonymous The Brilliant
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