Don't Call This A Blog (I Am Changing This Sites Name)
I have brilliantly decided to change the name of this site. Why you ask? One simple word.....blogs. I actually took the time to surf a few blogs the past week, and after having dry heaves for about 3 hours I decided I had to distance myself from "the blogosphere". I was utterly amazed at what I saw out there, here's a few examples:
(I will not link to these places because these schlongs don't deserve the traffic, and you dont' deserve to vomit from their crappines)
1. Video Blog: One blog consists of this douchebag that films himself almost daily talking about random shit, like cooking hamburgers and whatnot. Unfreakin real, I don't know how this guy can have a wife and job.
2. Political blogs: These usually consist of someone from either the far left or far right screaming about how much they hate the opposite side. The more entertaining ones are those that claim to be "moderate" but are so far to the left or right it is hilarious. I actually found one blog where some woman was proud that she bitched out a lady with a "We Support The Troops" sticker. What the fuck???
Another blog that was definitely to the far right was pretty much virtually sucking off President Bush right there. It was unfreakin real, people look past party lines and realize the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.
The amount of hatred I see for our President cracks me up too, especially from blogs that are obviously written by a 14 year old pimple faced boy that gets his arguments straight from Fareheit 9/11.
3. Daily Life blogs: These are by far the worst. Some douchebag writing about every little thing about their life. These are usually done by teenagers, or old folks that still act like teens. Here's an example:
"2day I decided to make a sand witch so I called up my frenz and had them c0me over. We l00ked for the mayonnaise but ended up having to use Miracle Whip. Grozzz LOL. My gurl SaRa got the bread 4 me and Tim got the meat. SaRa (I LOVE YOU GURL LOL!) got the mircacle whip and put it on the bread 4 me, while Tim put the meat on Then we 8 the sand whiches, and they were g00d, YummMeeEEEEeeeeeE ;)."
Excuse me while I have a flashback dry heave. Okay I'm back.
4. Latest Fad/Blog Tool Blogs: These are the ones that 80% of the content is either stupid things such as
-"What character from ________ are you?" You know what I am talking about, stupid shit like "I'm Gimli from Lord Of The Rings, hairy, hungry, and stalwart companion"
-Little icons to show their current mood. Nobody cares you are currently "introspective"
5. Relationship Blogs: These are probably the worst of the worst. These are the blogs that detail someones relationship (99.99% of the time by the girl, no guy would be this much of a pussy) and usually have the following things in them:
- The title is usually something like "Stacey + Ken 4Eva" in a big heart next to a picture of the two losers hugging
- There is a crappy background song, usually Aerosmiths song from Armageddon
- Every post always includes phrases like "I love him SOOOOOOO much", "I know I am gonna marry him", " we are meant to be"
- Half the time these blogs are for relationships that are like TWO FUCKING WEEKS OLD. I am not shitting you I found one blog that was this chick going on and on about how much she loved her man, was in love with him, they were gonna be "2getha 4eva" and they had been dating for like 23 days. How do I know this? They had a counter "X Days In Love" on their sight. God I am gonna vomit.
After surfing other blogs I am absolutely convinced that 99.999999999999999% of the blogs out there are complete and utter shit. Only myself and a few others are bastions of brilliance and sanity out there. So I have decided that these other sites have no right to share anything with me, even if it is a name. I have gotten it down to two choices for the new name.
1. Angryface Central: Brilliance Defined
2. The Most Hard Hitting Thought Provoking Website EVER
What do you turds think the new name should be?
Angryface Central: Brilliance Defined - Its snappy and lets ppl know from the start that they are about to be blown away. I also am ashamed to be in the "blogging" world. A killing spree may be in order.
Am I the only person in Blogexplosion to have filled up their ignore this blog (do not view again) ?
While there is much crappiness out there ,sites like yours (and mine ha!) keep people surfing!!
You are really good. It's funny how u described the blogs.
You've inspired me. I'm going to have to do a post that says something like "It has been fourteen days since we defeated the cats ..." and nothing else.
That quote isn't mine, I just can't figure out where I got it from.
Amen, brother. Aaaaaaaaamen.
from Maximum Awesome
You use the number "23" a lot. Are you enlightened?
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