I Think I'm Going To Torture A Puppy (My One Comment On Terri Schiavo)
So yesterday while out jogging I found this puppy at the park. It seemed his owners must of dropped him off and left him there, cuz he was just laying there staring off into the distance. In fact he really didn't respond to anything at all, I guess he's retarded or something.
Well I've decided that I'm going to strap Lucky (thats what I named him) to a doggie bed until he dies. No food, no water, nothing and I am going to watch him die a long agonizing death yippeeeee!!!!!!!!!!..................
There, now before a bunch of you blow a gasket how IN THE FUCK is this really any different from Terry Schiavos case? How many of you (animal rights activists or not) would be up in arms and sickened by this torturesome way to kill a dog?
I told myself I wouldn't get political on this website but I just had to chime in with my two cents on this. While I am normally a big time conservative on ALOT of issues, I do believe in a patients right to die.
But not like this, why should a human being be forced to die like this when our pets are put to sleep peacefully? Hell those on DEATH ROW are given a faster, non painful, and quiet death by lethal injection.
Look I don't know if she is in a vegitative state, or is still there mentally. I don't know and nobody else does but her and God. However if this woman is going to be killed (and yes she is being killed) she doesn't deserve to die this way.
I guess its too bad Terri didnt' kindnap, rape, and murder a 9 year old like her fellow Floridian (the one who killed Jessica Lunsford) because that guy will get put to sleep by lethal injection.
The dog thing seem legal. It can't tell you what it wants. It add nothing productive to society. It can't work and earn money to support itself. I belive, as all the courts do, that is of no use to this society and therefore should be disposed of in a slow and painful way as to present an example to all that everything must contribute or be distroyed.
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I with you on this one, genius. Nobody should have to go out the way Terri is.
I am in complete agreement. I guess we are going to start offing all kinds of people if this is the new standard. Scott Peterson is better off.
You're right.
Let's starve the fucking dirtbags, and use the chemical cocktail to let good people die in peace.
I think Terri has a right to die and that it's what she wants. What is a terrible thing that the only way this right can be exercised for her is by starvation.
That and the blatant intervention for personal gain by certain politicians.
It's ironic, isn't it, that the murderers will get a more humane death than someone as innocent as Terri Schiavo.
And you can bet your sweet bippy that all the people standing outside the nursing room praying for her will be the same ones outside the prison howling for them to execute the guy who killed little Jessica. Led by Jed Bush, no doubt................
As horrible as death by starvation is, the lesson we should be learning here is the importance of having a living will. If you don't have one all medical decisions are transferred to your next of kin (in this case, her husband) who may have less than noble intentions. As much as I feel for the plight of Terri's family, they have zero legal grounds to make medical decisions because terri was still married when she slipped into the coma. They've tried to get around this precedent, but it was an impossible undertaking from step one.
Hi, I'm a genius too. Great post...wrote one eerily like it myself recently.
My post on this is:
http://crones-haven.com/?p=42 entitled, "Where's Kevorkian?"
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