Jesse Jackson: Champion Of The People
I saw Jesse on TV the other day and wanted to absolutely vomit. I think he was holding a press conference to protest Wal Marts decison to have its employees switch to white sneakers instead of black sneakers or something.
I think Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are more of a threat to the black people in this country than the KKK. They are basically saying without Jesse and Al there to work for you and keep things like affirmative action in place you will never get ahead.
If I was a Black person I would nut punch Jesse if I ever saw him in person and say "Thanks for setting us back 80 years dickwad".
Jesse and Al have unfortunately convinced a large part of the black population that its the early 1900's and that without these two leeches "working for them" all blacks would be able to do is a little soft shoe and maybe be a cook.
However I truly believe Jesse and Al don't do all this to try and help their fellow African Americans. Its just so they can line their own pockets, by taking "donations" from companys that they shakedown by threatening to boycott them and crap like that.

The Bling Signal

Hard At Work For You

The very fact that Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell have been called Uncle Toms's and House Niggers by the very same camp that Jesse and Al lead shows you whats wrong with these two men. Apparently if you're a black man and you have a white boss you are working for "the man".
The sad thing is there's alot of black people that really view Jesse and Al as heroes..... AS FREAKIN HEROES! I mean these are two guys that have convinced alot of folks that Mr Charlie is still out there to get them and if Al and Jesse aren't there to champion them its back to "Whites Only" water fountains and bus seats. If there really is a "The Man" I would want Jesse and Al around, because with them I don't need any control programs on black folks. Jesse and Al have convinced them they can't do anything on their own.
Why in the hell aren't there any better black leaders out there? How did we go from Martin Luther King and (ughh I can't believe I am saying this) Malcolm X to freakin Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton??? Hopefully the new generation of black leaders such as Barak Obama and even Jesse's son can erase the damage their predecessors have done and move from an entitlement mindset into a "I can do it on my own" mindset.
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