Teacher/Student Relationships, A Disturbing Trend
If you have been watching the news lately I am sure you have been seeing all types of stories involving teachers and their students. What they are doing is vile, despicable, and totally wrong. I'm not talking about teacher student sex, that is completely okay with me.
I'm talking about the disturbing trend of teachers following their students throughout the course of their educational career. Still don't know what I am talking about? Fine let me give you two perfect examples.
Mr. Richard Belding and Zachary Morris: Dick Belding was a young man in charge of his first school. At Bayside Middle school he was the captain of the good ship education, he was ready to help the future of the nation learn. It was there that he met the boy he would spend the next 8 years chasing after.
Mr Belding seemed to always have it out for Zack. He would constantly call him to the Principals Office to warn him not to do stuff, he would show up where Zack and The Gang were trying to go on vacation and work a whole summer, show up at The Max to yell at Zack, and tons of stuff like that.
Yeah you can say Zack held an auction in the hallways, trashed Beldings car, got stuck dating Beldings niece and knocked her up (you missed that part, but its on the European version trust me), faked an alien invasion and got the NSA to think Screech was an alien, and tons of other schoolyard shenanigans. Every time Mr. Belding caught Zack red handed he could of kicked him out of school, but he gave him chance after chance. This type of warmth towards Zack wasn't in a mentor/student kind of way it was in a Michael Jackson and Jesus Juice/Boyscouts kind of way.
Mr. Belding moved up to become principal of Bayside High School when Zack moved up. Coincedence? I think not. Belding just couldn't stand the thought of another man watching over young Zack. In fact I am rather suprised that he didnt' view Max (of The Max restaurant, which was apparently the only one in town) as a rival for Zacks attention and have him killed.
Add in the fact that Mr. B showed up where Zack was on vacation IN HAWAII and that all equals unhealthy man/boy love. I was rather shocked that Mr Belding didn't suddenly become dean of whatever college Zack and the gang went to. Our next subject most certainly did.

A Forbidden Love

Mr. Feeny and his young student Corey Matthews: Mr. Belding was probably kicking himself for not being like Feeny cuz Feeny lived NEXT DOOR to his favorite student. Feeny was young Coreys English/Every Other Class teacher, and then got promoted to high school Principal at the most convenient of times (i.e. Corey goes to High School), but he wasn't done there oh no.
Not to be outdone by Richard Belding, Mr Feeny then became the Dean of the college that Corey went too, he also apparently became Coreys English teacher plus life coach. It got to the point where every time Corey had a problem Feeny was there with advice even before Corey thought of asking for it. I wish they didn't cancel the series cuz I hear they filmed a bunch of episodes that didn't get released including the much ballyhooed "Mr Feeny teaches Corey how to put Topanga in The Reverse Cowgirl". Man that episode would of rocked.
Is nobody else out there disturbed and sickened by these men and their unholy love for their students? Am I the only one genius enough to realize this????
Actually CitriCritic, I have a rant ready to go called "Metrosexualism (Or Real Men Don't Take Facials)" I just have to finish a photoshop for it.
I told those losers on your post that the contest was over. Too bad they didn't realize my brilliance then and there and quit.
I will have TWO Hilarious Rants ready to go for this coming week, get ready Carnonymousmaniacs.
Man, I'd be willing to bet that the actress who played Topanga is doing the reverse cowgirl plenty nowadays as she has probably landed in the realm of low-budget amateur porn. But then again I guess I just assume this to be true of all washed out child actresses.
Your blog is fan-fucking-tastic.
Heh, stumbled onto your blog from Zach's site. Very funny, dude. I'll try to stop by more often.
By the way, I'm running for Pope. So...I don't know...that's just what I'm doing this week.
Anyway, I hope you do more Saved by the Bell topics. I think I speak for everyone when I say "more Belding, godammit!"
from Maximum Awesome
Actually I have a few more Saved By The Bell rants saved up in que. I have a super secret item currently being shipped to me and will share it with the world as soon as it arrives at Casa De Carnonymous.
Heee hee!!
Well, I'm probably in the minority when I say if a boy's old enough to do it then he's not a boy anymore. That's the time to reiterate on the finter points of the "sex talk" and give him some rubbers. I think a lot of the uproar stems from the fact most of these teachers are attractive women, and the young men the sons of women with some big insecurity problems.
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